17 Free SEO tools that you need for your website

Over the years, online marketing and its techniques have changed a lot and as it stands, to make sure you get the best result and instant improvement, you will need to own the right tool for your SEO work.

Here are some of the best SEO tools that can help you know about your mistakes, rectify them, and improve your loop holes so that you can stay ahead of your competitors.

PageSpeed Insight from Google

Experts have always found that people love to browse through websites which have a better loading speed and this is exactly where this tool comes in.

With the help of this tool, you can easily get to know the loading speed of your website, whether there is any chance to improve it, and whether you need to change things to make that adjustment.

Google Analytics (the most popular among the free SEO tools!)

When it comes to SEO, analyzing the performance of your website is of utmost important.

Unless you know how your website is behaving, it’s going to be impossible to make certain adjustments.

This is where Google Analytics can be really helpful; from analyzing traffic to helping you with the optimizing scope, the tool does it all.

And most importantly this robust tool is available for free to use.

Moz Score

Checking your website score on Moz can give you an idea about how your website is doing in the online field.

It will show you detailed list of complete, incomplete, and inconsistent listings.

This will not only help you know about your listing issues, but also will give you a chance to improve them as well.

Backlink Checker from Ahrefs

This is a free tool for checking backlinks to your website, its quality, and most importantly its value as well.

With this tool, you can get domain top 100 backlinks along with their domain ratings, and URL ratings.

This tool can be really good for analyzing your own website and your competitors’ website as well.


Keyword is an integral part of SEO. Even if you are an expert, finding keywords related to the website niche is not always that easy.

This is where Keywordtool works and helps you out with its searching options.

All you need to do is search with a single keyword and it will help you out with related long tail keywords, phrases, and FAQs that you can put on your website.

Keyword Planner from Google

You might be able to find relevant keywords and long tail keywords from other tools, but to get the best out of those keywords you will need to know about the monthly search traffic for each and every keyword.

This tool from Google does the same; it analyzes similar type of keywords and offers you monthly search result values and all.

This information can really be helpful in improving your online presence and marketing result.

SEO toolbar from Ahrefs

This is another of the useful tools from Ahrefs.

This toolbar can show you the traffic details of your current website, its ranked keywords, CPC values, search volume, and a lot more that you might find extremely useful.

SEO Web Page Analyzer

As an expert in this domain, you must know the value of On-Page and Off-Page optimization.

This tool is perfect for analyzing your On-page requirements and pointing out all the required changes that you need to make to ensure a good SEO score.

But remember that this tool works for On-Page SEO only.

Beam Us Up

This is a perfectly useful tool in indexing your website.

This site offers free crawling without any limits and that can surely be one of the best tools that you wish to have while doing SEO.

Link Redirect Tracer

This tool is nothing but a chrome extension.

This tool can be useful in analyzing the http headers, robots.txt, read canonicals, and other necessary link metrics.

You can use the screen shot option to take note of these stats and use it to good effect.

Disavow Tool

This is a tool that might come handy as and when you need to remove the effects of negative SEO and remove penalties.

Although this tool is really difficult to find but in case you need this tool to use, make sure to go through their guide before you can actually use this tool to good effect.

Link miner

This is one of those tools that can be really helpful in link building. This tool is trusted by lots of experienced SEO experts across the world.

What this tool does is it finds the broken links within your website and informs you about them.

This helps you to fix them to have the proper backlink to your website.

Schema Creator

If you wish to control the way your website looks in Google search result, then this is the tool that you want.

This tool enables you to create codes that will allow search results to show your reviews, events, organizations, etc.

Similar Web

Knowing your competitors is really important specially if you are going to use SEO.

This is where this particular tool can come really handy.

With this tool at your disposal, you can easily check the traffic details of your competitor site and analyze and improve your own website.

XML Sitemap

This is another of the important tool that you have to keep with you.

According to Google, having a sitemap makes it really easier for the search engine crawlers to understand the structure of your website and go through all your pages.

With this tool you can easily get a sitemap and put it on your web server.

Read this: What is a Sitemap and how to create a sitemap in WordPress?

Google My Business

This is a tool that might come handy for those who want to rank their website in a particular locality.

With this tool, you can easily put your business online and make it easier for potential users to find you in the local search.

Yoast SEO

This tool can be useful for only those using CMS like WordPress.

This plugin is capable of analyzing your website and providing an SEO score upon which you can easily determine how you can improve your website to have an improved and accurate SEO score.

Read this to know how to properly set this plugin up: WordPress SEO by Yoast: Plugin installation and set up guide

Jane Sheeba

I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm an author at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.

View Comments

  • Muhammad Hassan says:

    You have summed up almost every tool that can be used in SEO. These tools are really helpful in analyzing your website and strategizing according to it. It recommend this one as well https://neilpatel.com/backlinks/

  • Jennifer Ellison says:

    Just get started to learn SEO, those tools above looks very helpful. I will try them later. Thank you.

  • Nirodha Abayalath says:

    Hey Sheeba,
    This is amazing. These days, we can do almost anything with a WordPress plugin. So, thank you very much for showing the best and must-have apps.
    The other thing is, SEO Yoast plugin also has the sitemap feature right?

  • JaY Srivastava says:

    well this page is so handy i added it to my permanent bookmarks, although i have used most of them, still i found few new ones, which i will be trying right away. Thanks Sheeba.

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      You are welcome Jay :) Thanks for stopping by!

  • Girish Parmar says:

    I just started my blog, i m sure these tools will help me alot to make my blog huge. thank for share.

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      You are welcome Girish :)

  • I love your Post! You've mentioned every single SEO tool that is might helpful and FREE!

  • Great article with all useful tools information but I think ubersuggest should be here :)

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