“Now” is a starting point

12 months ago

“Now” is a starting point. No matter whether you have had a failure in the past, or a trauma that…

Smile – It is That Important!

1 year ago

Nothing you wear is more important than your smile! It doesn't take much effort to display a smile. It is…

How To Succeed No Matter How Many Failures You Have Had?

1 year ago

Failure is a part of life. Everyone experiences it at some point. But what separates successful people from unsuccessful people…

Rework Book Review | Jason Fried | David Heinemeier | What Can You Learn? Is It Worth?

1 year ago

Rework is a book that you can call a self help book, or a book that helps entrepreneurs or a…

Tune Your Mind To Be Happy | What Actually Is The Law Of Attraction? How Does It Work?

1 year ago

The Law of Attraction is a concept that suggests our thoughts and emotions can influence the events and circumstances we…

Doing A Job Search Online? Don’t Miss These 5 Apps!

1 year ago

Online job search has become a popular way for job seekers to find employment opportunities. With the advancement of technology…