In the last post, I addressed a serious problem and talked about my personal experience related to that.
The problem is this: Your business is not moving forward.
This is a very serious problem – if you are putting in a lot of hard work (and money) to build your business, and yet if it is going nowhere – this is no fun!
In this post, I share 5 worst mistakes you could be making that are the main reasons for your stagnation.
#1 No knowledge about your target audience
This is one of the biggest blunders you could be making. If you don’t know whom you are running your business for, you are in great trouble.
Let me emphasize this again – you need to know who your target audience is before you start doing anything with your business.
Starting a blog and publishing a few blog posts will not work, unless you clearly know who is reading those blog posts.
It is not only enough if you know your target audience. But you should also know about their problems and their pain points.
This knowledge will help you create content and devise solutions to those problems so your business actually helps your target audience.
See, it is not just about making money. You should help your readers and change their lives!
And even if you are just focused on making money, you won’t succeed unless you provide and sell something valuable to your customers/readers/prospects.
Anything you do with your business like, content creation, promotion, marketing, networking, product creation and pretty much anything should be based on putting your target audience first.
Remember it is not about you; but it is about them (your target audience).
Unless you fix this bit you cannot move forward in your business.
#2 No clarity about they type of content you create
You cannot create and publish any content on your blog.
Even if you are publishing content on a topic in your niche, you still have to make sure you have clarity.
Your content should be aligned with your blogging goals and it should serve your target audience.
Again, knowing your target audience becomes super important here.
First, you should get clarity about what you want to achieve with your blog.
And then you should brainstorm for content ideas that aligns with that goal.
In the end, the content you publish should fulfil its purpose.
For instance, if you want your blog to generate subscriptions for your business, your content should help you achieve the same.
If it is product sales that you want, your content should be aligned to achieve that.
At the same time, you should create your content for your target audience.
The content shouldn’t just be pushy to achieve sales (or getting email address from your readers), but it should help your readers genuinely.
So there are two aspects to getting clarity with content creation
- You should clearly know about your target audience and their problems and pain points. You should create content that helps your readers with their problems by providing solutions, or educating them and so on.
- You should clearly know about your blogging goals and create content that is aligned with those goals; your content should fulfil your goal.
In short –
you should not publish anything that will be of no use to your readers and/or to you!
If you don’t have a content strategy in place that is aligned with your goals and that is of useful to your readers, it is not surprising that your business is not moving forward.
#3 Having wrong notions about content creation
Content forms a crucial part in your online business. You use content for all sorts of things.
For instance your blog which is made up of content is the marketing tool for your business.
It is the medium through which you communicate with your readers and gain traction.
It is the medium through which you help your readers.
So it is very vital that you don’t blindly have any misconceptions about content creation.
For one, the misconceptions will of course mislead you and will prevent you from achieving what you want to achieve with your content.
Second, those misconceptions can keep you from attempting to create content at all.
There are misconceptions about the length of the content, the format of the content, the structure of the content one should publish.
There are also misconceptions about how often one should publish content and so on.
Unless you get rid of these misconceptions and find out what works for you, it will be challenging for you to move forward – because your business highly depends on the content you create.
#4 Problems with C-C-P [Conceive-Create-Present]
CCP is your content creation workshop. It has three departments – Conceive, Create and Present.
And, all the three are equally important. If you have problems with any or all of these, you cannot move forward with your business.
Conceive – This department takes care of conceiving killer content ideas and business ideas.
Without the generation of brilliant ideas on a regular basis you cannot survive!
Idea conception plays a crucial role in your business and you need ideas for pretty much anything related to your online business.
For instance, in order to create high quality useful content for your business blog, you need to conceive killer blog post ideas. Conception is the beginning and the very crucial stage.
Create – Next comes the creation process. It is not just enough if you conceive a great idea.
Unless you put that idea to use and create something, any idea you conceive could easily become a waste.
The process of creation helps you with many things – creating content, expanding your business by creating new aspects, creating products, creating opportunities and much more.
Present – Conceiving an idea and creating something based on the idea are things that happen in the backend.
Only with presentation you bring all that goodness to the front end, for your readers to make use of.
If you lack presentation skills, all the great ideas you conceived and all the content you created might go waste.
So you have to make sure you
structure your content in a way that suits your readers
#5 Not taking action to break the barriers
When you run a business you could run into a lot of hurdles, and barriers.
Things like writer’s block, busyness, technical difficulties etc. are examples of such barriers.
You cannot do anything about the occurrence of these barriers. But what you can do is to take the necessary action to break those barriers.
For instance you could find yourself to lack creativity.
And a little bit of creativity is certainly necessary to come up with killer blog post ideas and business ideas.
So you have to help yourself to get more creative by doing whatever necessary like taking productive breaks, working in different locations and so on.
If you don’t do anything about the barriers that come in the way, you cannot avoid stagnation in your business.
There you go…
If you have not fixed these areas in your business all the hard work you put in will get you no results.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I don’t want to sugar coat here. And I seriously want you to succeed.
Let’s forget about the past.
From this point onwards, I want you to take action and fix these areas in your business so you can actually progress and achieve the success you dream for!
In the next post, I will share ONE SOLUTION that puts together all these problems and addresses them. Stay tuned!
Hello Jane,
Good shout over here 🙂
Many bloggers complain that in spite of hard work there blogs is not moving forward, they still find themselves stick in the
same position where they started from moths or years ago. This could be very frustrating and lot of stress could be there
on a person mind. There are very tiny loop holes which need to be covered in the blogging world. This may seems to be tiny
put if they are not filled in they can cause some serious loss to us
One should surely study about their target audience, what ever product is one coming up with, they should know how to make
them reach to their people, those who will show interest to buy from them. Researching through social media platforms
could be a great thing, it would give us a rough idea of what and how many people are interested in buying our products
Content is only thing which would attract people to our business. If they find the content boring they would fly away in
seconds People do not want to get them self indulge in going through a long written post, they like short and to the point
content so that they can seek out what they are looking for.
Thanks for the share.
Hi Jane,
Great tips and I so agree about having to know your audience. That’s actually the mistake that I made with my other blogs in the past.
I would post whatever I felt like posting. I didn’t have any reason to post that type of content, but to tell you the truth I didn’t really know what I was doing.
This time around, I’ve made it a point to really post helpful useful cont that my audience will love. It does take time to understand what your audience wants.
However, once you start getting some traffic and understanding your audience, you get a better clue of the type of content you should be posting.
Thanks for sharing these tips.
Have a great day 🙂