I have been blogging since 2010 and my family members are very much aware of my mindset.
Whenever I do the household chores with more interest like trying out new recipes in the kitchen, they understand that I’ve updated my blog with a good post.
Likewise, if I go mad or get frustrated over petty things, they easily realize that I haven’t published a post for a long time.
You might be taken aback by this revelation and may also wonder with this happening but it is the truth!
Okay, let’s get into the topic!
What is the need of every blogger? Making Money? Skill improvement?
But these are secondary desires of the passionate bloggers. If you’re a devoted blogger, I hope that you’ve guessed the exact answer!
Yes, it’s nothing but the “Traffic”.
- What is the key to get traffic?
- How to decrease the Alexa rank?
- What is the best tactic to make your blog as a crucial source of information for your readers?
The answer for the above three question is same and simple!
Of course, it is “Consistency”.
So, I landed on Jane’s blog to insist the importance of blogging consistency and some practical ways to support it.
What is blogging consistency?
In blogging, consistency does not only means publishing the new blog posts to keep your blog updated; it also means the promotion of your blog posts and pleasure to engage with your audience through social media and blog comments.
Before checking some helpful tips to keep up the blogging consistency, it would be better to understand its significance to blog in an upright mode.
Why consistency is the key to blogging?
Better SEO
As I’m a faithful blogger, I do agree with the evergreen blogging proverb “Content is the King”.
But, who is the Queen? I’d say “Post Frequency” is the Queen.
If both emperors show keen attention in doing right things for the people, then how would be the wealth of the country?
It would be marvellous to tackle the thorny circumstances like flood, famine etc. Am I right?
The same will occur in blogging SEO too. Google and other search engines always reward your fresh content with good frequency.
Say, if you’re crafting the good quality posts but not supporting the regularity in delivering the content for your readers, then how come the search engine crawlers trust your blog?
So, create the best post scheduling for your blog as it would boost your SERPs.
The more consistent content you create, the more chances to improve your SEO rankings for several keyword phrases.
Sometimes, consistent good-quality posts would help to avoid the problematic situations raised by Google penguin updates as well.
If you follow a consistency in publishing the post, search engine bots will understand when to crawl your blog and thus your fresh content will quickly be indexed in search engines.
Blogging is like exercise
If you’re an educated person, you might have known the importance of taking care of your health.
What would you do to maintain a good health? The most popular choice is “Exercise”, isn’t it?
To stay healthy, you would decide and fix timelines to exercise regularly, say 40-50 mins everyday.
What would have happen if you’re irregular at your workout goal?
You will feel lazy to do it daily and obviously, your health will get spoil. I assume that am right here!
Blogging is like exercise. If you haven’t updated your blog for a long time, it would be hard to get going again and finally your blog will be destroyed.
Even though you struggle a bit in early days of blogging to maintain the post consistency, once you get practised to do so, you can preserve a healthy blog.
Thus, more priority should be given to keep up the post constancy and spend quality time to connect with your audience through social networks. .
Earn Brand Authority
Say, you’re going to a general store to purchase your ideal things.
If that specific shop has all kind of latest products you wish to buy, then you’ll never deny yourself from going to that branded shop to buy the needed stuff once more.
Because, you believe in the trademark of that shop and give your constant presence and support over there.
But, if the shop fails to hold your favourite/trendy things, you’ll excuse the shop owner for once or twice and would think to change the store if they continue to do the mistake by not holding your desired stuff.
The same works in blogging as well!
Consistent blog posts with trendy matters would make you to become a reliable person in front of your visitors.
Delivering steadfast quality content in unfailing way helps to convert your guest audience into loyal readers.
Finally you’ll be considered as a trusted blogger by newbie and fellow bloggers and thus gaining brand authority to your blog.
Get Excellent Stats
I still remember my engineering college days where I scored distinction because of my unwavering study habits.
I followed a neat timetable to run my academic tasks and this helped me a lot to grab great grade on every subject.
I’m providing the writing service to one of the client and got bulk order to write with huge pay due to my stability in delivering the quality content.
So, consistency matters a lot in every aspect of life.
Some blogging stats like Alexa rank, SERP and Page Authority are related to post frequency.
Your irregularity in publishing the blog post would affect these essential stats of your blog.
Thus, it would be better to keep up the blog post constancy to please the search engines and get outstanding blog stats.
Create community
Let’s imagine that you’re a hard worker who is trying to become a leader in specific area.
While putting your consistent efforts to thrive in your filed, you may lose your self-confidence and feel discouraged at times.
What would be your exact need to protect yourself from that dreadful circumstance?
A group of people who build an environment of support and motivate you to go ahead with confidence, Am I correct?
The same needed in blogging too!
Getting and sustaining the audience is hard. But it can be made easy through consistent blogging.
Yes, you can attract huge eyeballs if you blog consistently.
After recognizing your uniformity, they will keep supporting you with their often visits and do spread your content on their network.
Whenever you need any help, they would show keen interest in giving their hand through some ways.
I’ve created a good community for my blog with my immovable habit and I’m happy about it.
They keep on encouraging me with parsing words in social media and leaving their comments for my blog posts.
With their support, I can instantly boost to blog with confidence and I still look forward in getting more supporters to build awareness for my blog’s brand name.
I hope that you’re now familiar with the value of blogging consistency.
Without further ado, let me discuss some sensible tips to blog consistently without burning out.
How to blog consistently without become exhausted?
“Consistency is the essential factor to a successful blog”
Below are some of the practical tips to support the regularity in blogging.
#1 Don’t blog without a calendar
First thing you should identify the time when your creative juices are flowing.
Then, you’ve to create an editorial calendar with the details of your working time (Writing time) to follow.
Prepare the schedule with no strict rules and thus you can follow it with no pain.
You may use Google calendar to write the post topics to be written for next month and impose the deadlines.
Also include the tasks to be done on social media, amount of time to spend for blog commenting and replying back to your post comments.
These pre-loading activities would let you to blog in a consistent manner.
I never write blog posts with the tired of work at home as it would suck my time.
I always take a power nap before writing any article to bring originality and complete it in a quick way.
I use excel sheet to fill the titles of my upcoming blog posts with cut-off date and after publishing the post, I never forget to fill the “Completed” column as it will nudge me to write the next planned post.
#2 Read daily
Reading allows you to refresh your mind and inspire to get new ideas.
I’d say that the reading habit is the most efficient self-development tactic which would often let you to write.
So, visit some active blogs like QuickSprout, BackLinko, BloggingWizard, TechTricksWorld or any niche blog posts which interests to you.
If time is your biggest constraint like me, learn to read fast or listen to audio books and podcasts.
These reading actions will let to track the potential content ideas and shove you to write for your blog on daily basis.
Every day, I do visit some admirable blogs to perk up my reading habit, perform instant blog commenting after reading the blog posts and do share them on social networks.
I believe that you’re familiar with the power of blog commenting and social sharing that never fails to increase your brand awareness.
#3 Keep a notepad with you
Part of staying close to your blog would become easy by keeping the ideas close to you.
Yes, if you write down the information to craft the blog posts, then you’re on the precise track to blog with consistency.
You’re visiting so many blogs and being present on social media where the bloggers are aggressively sharing their content.
While coming across a stimulating content, you may think that it could be explained or presented in a better way.
So, always stay with a notepad to write down the flow of thoughts and thus you could write the upcoming posts faster and better.
I use a notepad with the folder name “post Ideas” to write the notes and thus I didn’t scratch my head till now on “What to write?”
This is my great time-saving strategy which helps me to blog without fail as I always prefer to choose the topic in advance from my notepad and start to write.
Not only online, I do have a scribbling pad in my kitchen to write down any new initiative that strikes my mind.
Since I’m carry out these notifying deeds, I don’t have to invest my time my time in searching of blog topics to write.
(If you doubt with my action, you may ask Jane as I requested her to choose 1 topic out of 10 to contribute my guest post)
#4 Follow a crafting style
This is the most important step to be followed to sustain the blog post consistency. Certainly, you should follow a unique style to craft your blog posts.
If you baffle with some questions, “How to start the blog post?” “What is the best anatomy of blog post?” “Which is the perfect format to engage the readers?” then, how would you support the consistency in blogging?
Thus, you need to follow a good blog post template to finish writing the chosen topic on time.
If you’re my regular reader, then might have noticed my post style! Usually I write like the below flow chart!
#5 Save posts in draft by bulk writing
It is always recommended that you should save some posts in your WordPress draft.
Even you’ve planned well to blog habitually, things inevitably happen. You may fall sick or get busy with personal stuff at time.
When you get time, write as many as blog posts you can. At least get your thoughts down in draft to brainstorm later.
If you’re familiar with your blog niche, it is more likely to get several posts in drafts in a few hours.
Then develop the ideas as posts and save them in queue.
This will help you to keep your schedule consistent with not much stress to your blogging profession.
My approach is to start saving the posts in drafts when the inspiration hits and work on them one by one until they get published.
This attitude aids me to manage the steadiness in blogging when I go for vacation and during illness.
One line tips to blog consistently
- Don’t plan too much and set unrealistic expectation in blogging schedule.
- Spend good time in social media and blogging communities to shout out your blog.
- Target your audience and understand their needs.
- Invite well-known bloggers as guest authors.
- Plan to publish list type and round-up blog posts.
There is nothing to conclude! I hope that I’m very clear in explaining each point on why and how to blog in a consistent manner.
If you wanna become a successful blogger, try to be a consistent blogger. With input as consistency, you’ll acquire the following 3Ts as outputs!
Consistency = Trust + Traffic + Team Support
You’ll get what you deserve! Supplying good quality content in a stable manner is the absolute way to make your audience happy.
If you fail to satisfy your readers, you will never get the love from search engines.
What do you say? Do you agree with my viewpoints on blogging consistency? Did I miss any essential method to blog regularly?
I’d like to know your valuable views, so please leave your opinion in comment section.
Nirmala is a dedicated blogger who blogs about technology, social media, online money making and blogging on MyMagicFundas. Writing is her passion and helping others is her best attitude. You may connect with her on Google Plus to grab information on trendy stuff.
Good for you! 😉 I have had time with writing blog posts on a regular basis, but I have never given up. As an expert on podcasting, blog posts with show notes could be integrated in my workflow in a natural way.
Nice tips, I liked allusion with the Queen ))