Categories: Blogging Tips

Here are 12 things that will make you take a leap with blogging

Blogging is a beautiful way to get your business off the ground. It helps put your business in the radar.

It takes your business to the knowledge of your target audience by providing them with value.

But blogging can also take time to get the results you wanted.

Unless you are a big company that has loads of money to invest in content marketing and that has a big team, blogging can be a slow way to succeed online.

It takes its sweet time – may be a few weeks in some cases to a few months in some other cases.

It all depends on how proactive you are with blogging and how much time and effort you are willing to put into it.

From my experience of blogging close for over 10 years, here are 12 crucial tips that will set you apart and will help you take a leap with blogging.

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1. Don’t be shy to learn everyday

No matter how popular you are, no matter how much knowledge you have on a topic, there’s always something great to learn on any topic.

Don’t be shy and don’t let your ego stand as a hindrance to your learning.

If a beginner blogger offers you a suggestion, don’t neglect it just because the blogger is new in the field.

He/She might have a point. Even if there is no point or if his advice is irrelevant, thank him/her for the time he took to give you the suggestion.

I’ve learnt many nice tips, been introduced to nice tools from beginner bloggers who are connected with me via social media or on my e-mail list.

Even though I have more experience than them, I never hesitate to try out the tool/idea they suggest. You never know what you can learn!

2. Networking is fun and rewarding

I don’t have an exact number on the people I’ve connected with in 2012. But I can say that I’ve got some golden connections.

Some are my peers, some act as my mentors, so share the fun times and its really refreshing.

There are fun connections, business connections and client connections – all these are worthy connections.

It is good to get connected with as many people as you can, along the way. You never know which connection can open up a great opportunity for you.

Some can be great buddies to help keep your motivation up!

3. Help as much as you can (this will build your business)

Along the way, I’ve helped many bloggers. I’m not saying this to toot my own horn.

Whenever a beginner blogger emails me a question, I take my time to do my research and help them as much as I can.

You know what? Every time I do this, I earn a friend or a fan.

In my opinion this counts a lot.

I am not saying that you should spend hours everyday in responding to every email in detail.

In fact it could disturb your productivity a lot and sidetrack you from your goals.

But take a little time to be nice to people and help them out.

PS: My list subscribers get the chance to tell me what they’re struggling with and get help from me. You can join my list here.

4. It is fun to make money while sleeping

Oh yes. That’s the power of blogging and having an online business.

I say this because over the years after my online business has taken off, most of my payments come through while I am either sleeping or shopping.

And most of it is passive income.

I don’t say that if you start a blog today you will be making money tomorrow (and that too while sleeping).

It takes truck load of hard work to get there. But once you get there, you realize its true power.

Make sure you grab my report on the topic: Can I Really Make Money Blogging?

5. Diversify your blogging income

Sure you can make money blogging. Everyone may have different ways to make money.

Some use their blog to get clients for their business (like I do) – this could be web designing, consulting, SEO services, freelancing services or others.

These are not passive income, which means you have to do the work in order to get paid.

Some use direct or indirect advertising as a mode to generate passive income.

Here you don’t need to do much work; you set up things once and forget so that your blog continues to make money.

For some, affiliate marketing will be a great source of income.

I could write pages about using affiliate marketing to make money – but in short, it is one of the easiest ways to make money blogging.

There are various ways. But don’t stick to one.

Include all possible income streams in your “system” so that even if one fails you won’t become poor.

Let’s say Google comes up with a strange update and the term “SEO services” becomes meaningless.

If you’re only earning through link building services, you have to find a job!

6. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Be it SEO, income sources, link building strategies, traffic sources, start ups whatever – do not put your trust on one thing and hope that it will work forever.

Things change fast these days.

What worked yesterday might not work today and what is most popular today might be washed off from the face of the planet tomorrow.

Don’t put all your effort, investment etc. on one particular thing. For instance, don’t rely on search engine traffic – you might end up getting none one day.

Don’t rely on one client, one affiliate product or even one blog!

7. Don’t forget to follow up

There’s always a golden opportunity in a mail box lol; OK at least it was so in my inbox.

Over the years (and even now), I had a habit of digging through my old emails to see conversations with old clients, once in a month or so.

I emailed 80% of them doing a simple follow up – asking if my service was useful to them.

I asked them if they have anything they need help with.

I emailed old advertisers letting them know that their ads stopped running and if they wish to advertise again.

90% of those emails turned out to be new opportunities and 60% of them make me recurring income.

8. Affiliate marketing is grrreat

This is something I found in recent times. I knew affiliate marketing works and is good.

As I said earlier, it is one of the easiest ways to make money online.

You don’t need to spend time and energy in creating a product in the first place – I think this is where most aspiring bloggers tend to hold back.

You don’t have to go through hectic product launches, marketing, and other stuff.

You don’t have to deal with painful customer support.

But you can still make money with a product you don’t own.

And in some cases you can earn much more than the product owner (think about 75% or 100% commissions).

9. Do not over spend (on your business)

Think over and over before you enter your credit card details to make a new purchase.

I am one of those bloggers who keep on insisting newbies that they need to invest in their business and stop building a business on free platforms.

Yes, if you treat your business like a business, you need to make investments – say for hosting, email autoresponder, outsourcing etc.

But that doesn’t mean that you have to buy every software, plugin and e-book out there.

If you could run a business successfully with what you have, you perhaps don’t need that extra software.

10. Do invest in your business

OK that might sound a little controversial, but what I mean is different.

Do not go for free or pirated copies of software. They won’t serve the purpose and also will damage your reputation.

Do not think about saving $100 for a month of sleepless nights in tweaking your blog’s design.

If you can get a decent theme for a few hundred dollars or get it custom designed, go for it by all means.

Spend your time on the most important stuff that will actually build your business rather than pondering over stuff that someone (or something) else can do for you.

I use a lot of internet marketing tools to make sure that I don’t waste my time on unwanted details. Here is a list of the tools I use (or have used and are still good!).

11. Collaborate with your competitors

In my opinion there is no such thing called “competition” with blogging.

But ironically I call my fellow bloggers so here because that’s the term we are used to.

Most SEO software and sites call our fellow bloggers as competitors (heard of these terms: SEO competition, competition spying etc.?).

Sure, they’re sharing similar stuff like you; they’re selling similar products; they’re interested in the kind of audience that interest you! But they are not you.

There’s only one you and that’s enough!

Rather than looking at your fellow bloggers as competitors, look at them as your pals.

Oh I must say that this is one of the most valuable stuff I learned.

The more relationships I established with my so-called “competitors” the healthier my blogging journey got.

12. It is not all about money

Yes, this is highly important. In my opinion, blogging is not all about money.

Sure money is the factor that keeps things running (with business and your life, coz you have bills to pay and mouths to feed).

But when it comes to a point where it is either money or relationships, don’t make it about money.

Don’t break a relationship with a client just because he/she did not agree with your bargain.

Always make it a win win and keep things smooth.

Money is indeed important but don’t make it all about money.

Set yourself apart with blogging and take that leap!

Everyone can blog. And there are millions of blog posts that are published everyday.

How are you going to get your blog’s name out there?

Will people ever notice your blog among all the noise that’s out there?

Are you going to simply publish content on a regular basis without opening your eyes to what’s going on around you?

It is very important that you stay grounded with blogging. Your approach to blogging could be something that has to be changed.

And these tips I shared should help you with that!

Dr. Jane Sheeba

I am Dr. Jane Sheeba (Ph. D), Kindle Author, Digital Marketer, and a YouTuber. I also write at Do Splash and Slick Wellness.

View Comments

  • Khaja moin says:

    Must appreciate your Jane, these 12 lessons are nothing but tips to a beginner is about to start a blog.
    Spending money on business on one side is the very first step and not over spending on it is what every need to remember.
    Greats tips.


    • Jane Sheeba says:

      The "over spending" thing is what I learned very recently :) Thanks for stopping by!

  • Koundeenya says:

    Loved the last line, It's not all about money. So true! A blogger's status is not just judged by his income, there are a lot more.

    It's always nice reading your blog, Jane.

    Cheers and Have a great year ahead.


    • Jane Sheeba says:

      You're very welcome Koundeenya. It is one of the most precious lessons I learned!

  • Lola Stoney says:

    Hi Jane,
    This is a very comprehensive post and every single point brings home the message.
    The explosive changes in Google that affected how bloggers and website owners do SEO in 2012 is a big pointer to every blogger and small online business owner - it tells us not put our eggs in one basket, change with time and strategies, collaborate and stay current.
    Thanks very much for summary!

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      You're very welcome Lola!

  • igbalaye Olayemi says:

    Jane, this is a great post and the point are straight forward and easy to get. am on your side that everything is not about money , although is good to be making money with your blog but don't put all your focus on the money alone and forget to give your readers quality contents for them to read. thanks for sharing

  • sarika deshmukh says:

    Hello Dear

    i loved your article and i am totally appreciate with your post these 12 lesson are very important for every blogger Don’t be shy to learn everyday this is great lesson in fact your lesson are great really thanks for the sharing me

  • YOu have always helped me even for the simplest of doubts and that is the reason that i signed up to your list

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      Thanks for the nice words George :)

  • Love what you’ve learned! I’ve learned a similar. :) Undoubtedly not sensible to check yourself to others. I truly assume a number of the bloggers who I’ve had to prevent reading try way to be funny or cool. one amongst the explanations i like your blog is as a result of you'll tell your real. Plus, i need to eat all the food you make!

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      :) Thanks for your comment Ajay!

  • HI Jane

    These are really the 12 gems which you have disclosed today in your post. I strongly believe that it is not about money everytime, we need to build long lasting relationships. Its the relations that matters.

    Thanks for sharing this great piece of information.


    • Jane Sheeba says:

      Relationships are assets - both from business and personal perspective!

  • Thanks ..Your article gave me a revise and new confidence to start my blog..Thank you very much For great tips Jane

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      You're very welcome Ravi.

  • Ti Roberts says:

    Wonderful post, Jane. I've had a fantastic 2012 as well and I've learned some of the same things you have. I think the most important thing I've learned is that networking and building relationships with influencers is the best thing I can do to build you my blog's traffic and audience. Plus, it's fun! I've had a blast this year blogging and I'm looking forward to even more experiences and lessons in 2013. Thanks for sharing this post with us. I appreciate it!


    • Jane Sheeba says:

      Hey Ti, thanks so much for stopping by. In fact you've fueled me enough to start more of networking. I read your blog post on how you started using Bizsugar to drive traffic. So thank you :)

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