Successful blogging is not rocket science.
But in the same breath, most bloggers struggle horribly to gain traction online.
If you feel lost you have strayed from the fundamentals of successful blogging.
Cut through the pain of failure and feel the joy of sweet blogging success by following these 6 tips.
1: Blog Your Passion
Gary Vaynerchuk may be one of the most passionate bloggers on earth.
He’s a business builder deluxe because he loves what he does.
The man loves serving people. You can feel the love seep through his being, even if it is tough love offered via a profanity laden wake up call sometimes.
Be passionate about your blogging niche. What do you love doing most? Blog about that topic and tie your passion into solving some pressing problem.
I love blogging. I love traveling. Blogging From Paradise was born.
Naturally, I have so much fun helping solve folks’ blogging problems that the work feels like the reward.
I worry not about blog traffic or profits because these results feel like extra’s, or a bonus, or icing on the cake.
The more I focus on having fun and helping people the more easily money flows to me through my blog. Ditto for my increasing blog traffic.
Blog your passion.
Shine brightly in your blogging niche.
2: Learn from Pros
Enjoy this thorough resource on WHSR:
Also check out this resource from SBT blog:
How to start a blog the right way and succeed?
Patiently reading, studying and using this advice offered through a professional blogging blueprint is the most direct way to succeed with your blog.
Follow pros from the blogging tips niche. Study their insights. Buy their courses. Hire them to coach you.
Listen to top bloggers.
Avoid the tire-spinning, frustrating, failing strategies offered by bloggers who have no idea what they are blogging about.
Go right to the top. Cut your blogging learning curve by years. Follow top bloggers to lay the foundation for a successful blog.
3: Practice
Practice blogging.
Become a clear, confident blogger by:
- Writing 1000 words daily in a Word document; trash the document after you hit your 1K a day limit
- Practicing your video presentation skills offline; recording at least 3-4 videos weekly
- Practicing tips 4 and 5 (see below)
Blogging is a skill. Become a successful blogger by practicing the skill of blogging either daily or 5-6 days a week.
Do not write just when you have a blog post to publish.
Practice in private. Shine on a public stage.
I have easily written millions of words during my blogging career between my writing practice and free or premium blogging offerings.
I can write 3-5 blog posts daily between guest posts and articles on various sites because I spent so much time practicing writing that I write as easily as I breathe.
4: Create
Readers see you as being valuable if you offer value persistently.
- Blog posts
- Guest posts
- Podcasts
- Live broadcasts
- eBooks
- Courses
- Services
….to benefit your readers.
Create targeted content specifically geared to address your reader’s needs.
Example; if you run a blogging tips themed blog, most if not all of your blog posts tend to center on helping your readers become successful bloggers.
Flex your creative muscles by creating helpful, practical content regularly.
Publish at least 1-2 posts weekly to your blog.
Write 2-4 guest posts monthly for authority blogs in your niche.
Creators rise above the field of blogging competition.
Create value.
Become valuable.
Build the foundation for a rocking pro blogger career by becoming a prolific creator.
Jane here >> Don’t forget to pick up the content creation course
5: Connect
Build connections with successful bloggers.
Promote rocking bloggers on your blog by featuring them. Or maybe you can interview a successful blogger from your niche.
Share other blogger’s content on social media.
Write authentic, meaty comments on authority blogs from your niche to add value to posts and to build prospering friendships with top bloggers.
Help them in any way that you can.
Over time, connections, or bonds, develop, building your blogging friend network impressively.
Donna Merrill is a shining example of a successful blogger who knows how to connect.
She has helped legions of bloggers for years, promoting her friends without looking for anything in return.
Now, when she publishes a blog post or promotes her blogging products and services, her army of blogging buddies shares her content far and wide, expanding her reach.
Her blogging friends – and their followers – hire her or buy her rocking products.
Success freely flows to the connected blogger.
But the connected blogger has to do the connecting in the first place, helping folks without looking for anything in return.
Generosity is prospering like that.
6: MOP It
Monetize On Passions.
Remember I said to follow your passion, blogging-wise?
Ditto for your blog monetizing streams.
Monetizing your passions makes the work, the reward. All else – sales, clients, customers – feels like extra, or the icing on the cake.
If you love to write, self-publish Kindle eBooks and become a freelance writer.
Learning the craft of monetizing these streams feels fun, rewarding, and enjoyable, so you will detach from outcomes and patiently develop your skills until the money flows in.
Alonzo Pichardo is an excellent example of someone who monetizes their passions.
He genuinely enjoys helping people for free so he has become highly successful at monetizing services he feels passionate about.
Your Turn
What successful blogging tips can you add to this list?
Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author and world traveler who’s been featured on Richard Branson’s Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon. Ryan can help you build a successful blog at Blogging From Paradise.
A Happy New Year 🙂
Good shout over here 🙂
Surely successful blogging is not just a rocket science which can be applied, to get a over night success.
There plenty of things which need to be keep in mind to crave out a perfect blog. Its good to know about the passion
in which we are interested in, so that we can keep the blog flooded with. Some people start blogging with some random
niche and end up in giving up their blogging journey.
Taking a help guide from the pro bloggers is very essential, we need to follow them and learn tactics from them.
They can help us in our dark times and help us to get along with our blogging carrier.
Practice is the key, daily writing 1000 words in the rough and learning new words is very important.
Thanks for the share.