My fingers need a break. Seriously. I’ve written 2 articles today for my freelance clients.
I wrote some 1,000 to 2,000 words through comments. I’ve also written 2,000 words for a special project. More on that coming soon.
Becoming a successful blogger requires you to become a successful writer.
You don’t need to be the next Hemmingway but if you want to make an impact your writing game must be tight.
The top professional athletes on earth practiced tens of thousands of hours to become the top pro athletes on earth.
Lebron James and Michael Jordan became 2 of the best pro basketball players of all time by practicing like crazy.
Ditto for football players like Ronaldo and Messi.
Sure these players are born with some God-given talents but these folks shine because they outwork everybody else.
You may only publish a post once each week but you should be writing thousands of words daily to hone your skills, to work on your craft and to come closer to reaching your blogging potential.
Know Why You Want to Blog and Tie that Reason into Being Free
Some of you might be stunned at that headline. I can hear you from over here in Fiji.
“How in the heck could I ever write 6,000 words each day?” you say.
Find your reason why.
Tie the reason into some form of freedom, because if you fall in love with being free more than you fear being uncomfortable, or more than you doubt yourself, you’ll do what it takes to become a successful blogger.
That’s how you do it.
You’ll ignore the practical tips I’ll share below if you have a weak reason why you’re blogging.
Weak “why’s” are like tumbleweeds; they come and go easily, nudged on by a light breeze.
My “why“ is being free, and I want to take you with me. I blog from paradise, and I want you to retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging.
If paradise is your home town for you, great. I want you to become a pro blogger in your home town.
In either case, my reason why is similar to the Rock of Gibralter.
It ain’t moving unless the earth collapses, and since that likely won’t happen too soon, no obstacle, or fear, or any outside situation will cause me to abandon my rigorous writing/blogging habits.
Don’t Stop to Edit
Write your next blog post without stopping. You can write 600 words in minutes, if you don’t stop.
Don’t stop to edit, don’t stop to take a breath, don’t stop until you feel like it’s time to stop.
No need to complete the post; you can work on each blog post, piecemeal, but you need to keep writing to establish the idea of flow in your consciousness.
Honest to goodness, meditating is the easiest way to become prolific. Meditating dissolves writer’s block.
Meditating makes you aware of your limiting beliefs, so you can face, embrace and release these energies. Meditating helps you find creative energies you never knew existed in you.
Sit quietly for 30 minutes daily. Observe your thoughts.
Work on Multiple Projects on Once
Write your next post today. Or write a portion of that post. Start a new eBook.
Write a guest post for an authority blog. You may not complete each task today – of course, you won’t be finishing an eBook in one day – but you’ll be able to churn out 2,000 or 4,000 or even 6,000 words in one day.
Example: I’ll add 1,000 words to an eBook, or other project, each day.
If I’m writing a post for my blog I’ll write 2,500 to 3,000 words, save it, then I’ll revisit it the next day for editing.
I may write a few 600 word articles for clients. At that point I’ll have written 5,200 words in 1 day.
Why? Heck, I enjoy being free to travel all over the world and I want to bring you with me.
I want you to be free, of your limiting beliefs, and I want you to travel if you’ve been tied down to a job.
I honestly feel most people on earth would love to travel for at least a few weeks or months each year but they’re stuck in their comfort zone.
They con themselves into thinking that they don’t need to travel, but in truth, being set in your comfort zone, in your home town, or home city, can blind you to this freeing truth: by traveling, you’ll grow like a weed, and you’ll inspire so many more folks to crush their obstacles, by coming closer to reaching your full potential.
I post 5 to 7 paragraph comments on authority blogs. I usually visit at least 10 blogs daily.
That equates to roughly 1,000 to 2,000 words, as my comments range from 100 to 200 words, per blog.
Writing comments is another easy, free way to hone your writing skills.
If you’re stuck, blogging wise, visit my blog. I publish three, fresh, in-depth posts each week. Pick up my new eBook.
I’ve been there.
I couldn’t write 600 words daily, let alone 6,000 words, but here I am in Fiji today, a prolific blogger who churns out content at a dizzying pace.
If there’s any one piece of advice you MUST follow …
You absolutely have to know why you want to blog. Making money ain’t going to cut it. I know this from personal experience.
Tie your reason “why” to some form of freedom, like, being able to work at home with your family, or being able to drop everything, to buy a plane ticket to Bali, and then, heading off to Bali tomorrow.
I’m flying to Bali in under 2 months. From here in Fiji. Crazy, right?
I know why I’m blogging, and my intent is to free you too, to live the internet lifestyle, so when I doubt myself, or feel tired, or worn out, the my “why” emotion is so strong, and so dominates my fears, that I just write.
Busy moms and dads, who work full time, or watch the fam, full time, you’ll need to make your reason why SUPER strong, because you can quickly and easily make the “I don’t have the time to write” excuse.
If you want to blow you should be writing for 1 hour daily and in 1 hour, you should be churning out 1000 to 2000 words, easy. Hey, you don’t have to publish a thing.
Just write, and write, and write, and don’t get up until your timer goes off.
Then, with steady, daily practice, you’ll become a prolific machine.
Wake up 30 minutes earlier, and hit the sack 30 minutes later. Write for 1 hour daily no matter how busy you are. It’s worth it folks.
I know you can do this guys. I believe in you.
Thanks Jane for extending this opportunity to me!
How many words do you write daily?
What tips can you add to my list?
How can you blast through your writing limitations?
Ryan Biddulph is an author, blogger, freelance writer and internet lifestyle junkie. Ryan can help you retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging. He owns Blogging from Paradise.
Hi Jane and Ryan,
As always, sharing great information. It sounds silly to say this now but I never really considered commenting as part of writing your “1k words or 1 hour a day” as you remind us.
I guess it’s because I always think in terms of stories or books. Many evenings, I think to myself, “I didn’t get much done today.” But I have, because I’m always commenting somewhere.
Wonderful blog, Jane. I believe this is my first visit. You share lots of great information too.
It’s really hard for me to write that long articles and sometimes I feel very annoyed. But for becoming successful blogger and writer we must have to write lengthy articles. As it also becomes Google ranking factor. I do write articles for some of my clients as well as for my blogs. But after reading this guide, it really boosted up my energy level.
Thanks for sharing such an inspiring post.