Do you want to know how to write a blog post that will impress your readers? Yes I do!
Do you religiously create blog content everyday? Yes I do!
Does your blog content impress your readers (and help making conversions)? Um… can you repeat the question?
Most bloggers create blog content day in and day out. Indeed, if you are into blogging business you have to create blog content on a regular basis.
But with the alarming number of blogs that prevail in the blogosphere (and the ones that are started every day) how are you going to stand out and make an impression?
Here you go… 5 ways – you can pick and apply one of them or all of them. The choice is yours.
Strike a chord
If you use your blog as a marketing tool (which should be most likely the case) then you should have a business model, right?
You should have something to sell or promote via your blog, right?
If so, you should have a target customer group, right? If you haven’t found your target customer yet, that’s pathetic.
Just ask yourself to whom you are writing your blog posts. What kind of people are you targeting so that they read your blog posts and other promotional stuff from you and buy your products?
Picture your ideal customer.
Then do your research on identifying topics that will strike a chord with your ideal customer.
If you can show them a solution to a problem, you’re golden. Give them that “aha” moment.
Find out what your ideal customer is desperately looking for. Find out their problem. Find out what they are interested in.
Research as much as you can to find out the interests and needs of your ideal customer.
Then craft your blog content to strike a chord with your ideal customer.
Engage them emotionally
Emotional engagement works great especially in the online world. This is one of the most easiest ways to impress your blog readers.
Create content that will make them emotionally engaged.
While you’re at it, make sure you treat your blog readers warm so that they feel home.
Do not be annoying at any cost.
You will provoke their emotions in the wrong way and they will run away from you.
Give them (at least) one useful thing to take away
Writing an in-depth post on a topic is a great thing to impress your readers – assuming that post is full of value and is a definitive guide (or sort of) on the topic.
But writing definitive guides do take a lot of time and effort.
Plus not every blog post you write can be a definitive guide.
But you can impress your readers on every blog post you write. Make sure every blog post you write helps your readers go away with (at least) one useful tip.
One useful tip is far more effective than giving them a list of 100 things to do. They will most likely do nothing.
Rather if you give them one or two actionable tips to take away from your blog post, they are most likely to take action and see the results for themselves.
And when they see results, they will certainly remember you (and of course be impressed) because you gave them that tip!
Hurray! You earned a loyal follower.
Create that one spark they need to start doing something
Sometimes (or most of the times) all your readers are looking for is a “spark”.
They need that spark to help them start on a very important thing that they’ve been putting off for ages.
May be, your reader didn’t know how to write a killer blog post; may be they don’t know how to optimize their Youtube videos;
May be they don’t know the secret to doing a win win win product launch; or may be they don’t know how to build an email list fast.
If your blog post educates your reader, you could help them overcome the hurdle and give them a reason to start working on their pending task right away.
Or all your reader needs is just a little motivation. If you share your success story, or a case study, that will boost their confidence and kick them to start their task right away.
Over deliver
There is nothing so impressive as giving more than expected. When there is more value in a blog post than an average reader of yours could expect, it is very easy for you to impress them.
Usually the pros don’t hold back on giving. They’re generous. Coz they know content marketing is a stable form of SEO (and is not affected by search engine algo changes).
Over deliver (in terms of value, not simply on length) on every blog post you write.
Also make sure you deliver what you promise in the headline of a blog post.
After you finish writing every piece of blog content, step back for a while, get into the shoes of your blog readers and see if the post has delivered what was promised, in the first place.
Then see if the post has *some* element that fills over the top, like a cherry on top of the cake. Or a surprising element.
For this, you can try adding additional forms of blog content – like a video or an (informational) image (that can eventually be made viral on Pinterest, what do you say?). Or a pdf of a tutorial blog post that is available for download.
Something more that will give an extra edge to your post. This will surely impress your readers, trust me!
I have given you 5 things to take away. 5 could be a BIG number for some; a very little number for some others.
It doesn’t matter if you have religiously read this post; all it matters is if you are willing to take action.
Reading a blog post will give you knowledge on the subject – you now surely know how to impress your readers.
But taking action will help you get the results. You can actually go out, create awesome blog content and impress your readers.
So, please take action. That is what I expect from you as a “thank you” to me for writing this post. I hope you will 😉
Even if you don’t want to work on all the five ways, pick up one or two ways which will be easier for you to do.
Please leave a comment below letting me know which one you picked and come back again to comment, when you see the result!
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Hi Jane for this wonderful article that we can understand more about write a blog post for blog readers. Your tips are wonderful that tough lot of thing for smart ways to write a blog post.
Glad to know that Monika!
Hi Jane for this wonderful article that we can understand more about write a blog post for blog readers. Your tips are wonderful that tough lot of thing for smart ways to write a blog post.
Glad to know that Monika!